Someone Break My Heart PLEASE!!!!!!!

If heartache is a form of love, maybe it's actually something to yearn for.

By Harry Lada

Illustration by Seba Cestaro


My friend snapchatted in tears a few days ago after a guy called it off with him. He was in a state of shock, filled with anger, his brain running a thousand miles per second. It was his very first real heartbreak.

“I feel like bawling my eyes out in this Walgreens right now,” he said seconds after. “He completely lovebombed you. Fuck him,” our friend followed up in response. And as I tapped through each Snapchat, observing from afar, I thought about the journey ahead of him.

This is it. This is what every single song, movie, and poem tries to crystallize into something tangible. What everyone dreads yet takes the risk of gambling with when getting to know someone romantically and intimately. I could not have been more excited for him. And, selfishly, for me to live vicariously through him.

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