Texts With Friends

10,000 Feet Up With Eileen Isagon Skyers

The artist and curator tells us about her Barbie Movie buys, favorite in-flight snacks, taking an anti-dreadful email stance, and her new culture fund, Gemma.

By Gutes Guterman

Photo by Ize Commers


Texts With Friends is a column that features... texts with friends.

Of all the wise people I’ve exchanged ideas with over a glass of wine, Eileen Isagon Skyers is among the most brilliant. An artist, writer, and curator, Eileen and I met through FWB Fest (shout out to Marcella Zimmermann). Since handing her a portable charger on that first day, I’ve been constantly in awe of her eloquence and strength in tackling the most contemporary topics. (You can watch her recent TED Talk here!) With her new culture fund, Gemma, Eileen continues to operate with her finger on the pulse, navigating the intersection of art, technology, and community. I caught up with Eileen at 10,000 feet to talk about fortunes, futures, and fashions, of course.


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