Saying Goodbye to Email Sounds Good to Melanie Masarin

How the Ghia CEO prioritizes her business and life.

By Emma Sharpe

Photos by Amanda Charchian


Every morning upon waking up, I experience a brief, three-second window of calm before I remember who I am: an empty, corporate drone who must immediately brace herself for the cruel tribulations the day will surely bring. This starts with opening my email, wincing, and bribing myself out of bed with a Starbucks.

For a founder, who probably frets about their company even in their dreams, I can only imagine the anguish that their cloyingly cheerful By The Seaside alarm provokes.

Enter Ghia founder and CEO Melanie Masarin, who has pioneered a revolutionary way to save time and protect her sanity: not answering your dumbass emails.

We chatted with Melanie about the delicious, spirits-free aperitifs she and her team are creating at Ghia, how her no-email policy actually works, and her dream dinner party guests.

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